Full Gas painter and biker

I have been riding bikes and drawing pictures since I was knee high to a grass hopper. I don’t know which came first, only that I have always loved both in equal measure - and that one feeds off the other.

In my teens I raced on the dirt a lot, in fact I raced at pretty much any opportunity I had. I trained after my paper round before school and then again after school. I did ok in cyclocross and MTB and won a few races. I was even sponsored and toured around the country racing national points series. I absolutely loved mountain biking back then and I’m still messing around in the woods with the same bunch of guys decades later.

Painting came much later and while I built a career supplying galleries with fine art oil paintings, I have always painted cyclists for fun on the side. This little project is gaining momentum and so I have decided to share the work here. Please do get in touch if you like it, I would love to hear from you.